what does wet brain feel like

Heavy drinking not only decreases absorption of thiamine, but can also lead to a poor diet, increasing the chances you’ll develop wet brain. Because wet brain, or Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, is so debilitating and fatal, it is important to take any symptoms you or your loved one may experience seriously. Additionally, you should know the signs of alcohol abuse and get treatment and recovery support before you sustain any further damage. This is a result of chronic alcohol abuse, but can also be caused by intestinal disorders or poor nutrition.

What are the 5 signs of Korsakoff’s syndrome?

what does wet brain feel like

However, thiamine does little to help with Korsakoff’s psychosis as it can’t help to reverse memory loss. If a person with wet brain is unconscious or in a coma, they will need special care in a medical environment, and potentially, for a longer period, depending on the severity of their symptoms. Finally, it’s important to know that the second (chronic) stage has a sudden onset. In fact, it can be triggered by a large dose of sugar in someone with a vitamin B1 deficiency.

what does wet brain feel like

How to Cope With Wet Brain Syndrome

As explained in the above section, thiamine is an essential nutrient for the functioning of the bodily system. In addition, several crucial neurotransmitters need thiamine for proper brain functioning. Individuals may experience confusion, difficulty with coordination and memory, and an overall sense of disorientation.

Is Alcohol Dementia Treatable?

In Wernicke’s encephalopathy, this commonly refers to bleeding of the brain. And if alcohol upsets a person’s stomach, this could trigger vomiting or loss of appetite — two other ways of depleting the body’s thiamine reserves. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is a type of dementia or cognitive impairment caused by a deficiency of thiamine, or vitamin B1. The key to treating wet brain is to receive treatment as soon as possible.

what does wet brain feel like

Due to the rapid pace of deterioration in WKS patients, time is critically important. Alcohol inhibits the absorption of thiamine and reduces its usage in the body. It also causes the body to excrete more thiamine through urine mush brain than normal. Finally, chronic drinking causes an increased need for thiamine due to alcohol-related neuropathy (nerve damage). Though wet brain is not a well-known disease, it is actually more common than you may think.

How Long Does It Take to Develop Wet Brain?

A proper diagnosis of wet brain can’t be made for a person with alcohol use disorder until they are in recovery. This is because many symptoms of wet brain are similar to withdrawal symptoms from alcohol. Early diagnosis of wet brain is essential for effective treatment of the condition. It is also possible that genetics can play a role in the extent of brain damage from alcoholism. People with a family history of alcohol use disorder may be at higher risk of wet brain, and people who were exposed to alcohol while in the womb are at higher risk as well. Someone’s overall health can also impact their chance of getting Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

what does wet brain feel like

“Wet Brain” begins with symptoms of Wernicke’s encephalopathy that is severe but may be temporary if treated by a doctor. It’s common for people struggling with alcohol addiction to not eat balanced, nutritional foods. Moreover, excessive alcohol consumption could challenge the body’s ability to process and store thiamine correctly. It is very important for a person to get help overcoming alcohol use disorder, especially before they develop chronic conditions like Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. The best process for most people is to get professional help to safely detox from alcohol and then progress into a complete rehabilitation program. Treatment for this condition is typically focused on controlling symptoms that already exist and preventing them from worsening over time.

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