We stopped afraid of the uprising of cars, but is it too early to relax? Creators Horizon Zero Dawn We painted us with a beautiful and gloomy future, where cars and less dangerous animals took us the place of large predators and less dangerous animals, the creations of fire, wires, spark discharge, metal vessels and other objects useful in the economy. And at the same time – from armor, lasers, cutters, rotors, grenade launchers, spikes, darts, scanners and other unpleasant surprises. How to cope with them a fragile girl, equipped with onions and traps?

We will talk about twelve machines living in the world Horizon Zero Dawn. All of them are found in the first hours of the game (you are already playing, isn't it, the release today!), so we will not spoil the pleasure of meeting you. And we still hold a couple of main secrets in the sleeve.


These "electric horses" are able to deliver difficulties in battle solely because of their own unpredictability. They can rush at the enemy and try to trample their hooves, and after a moment they will turn around and simply run away. If you need to eliminate them, you will have to act quickly. Ideally – from an ambush.

Creatures are vulnerable to arrows piercing the armor. And if you get a fiery arrow into a container with a fireman on the back, it will explode.


Intelligence kids are found around the world Horizon Zero Dawn. Usually they accompany herds of runners, gum and ribbon. But large predators do not disdain their support. So, getting ready to join the battle with a wineswoman or invader, first look around. Suddenly jumped out of the Ryskar can guess all strategic plans.

It’s easy to kill Ryskar, you just need to get into his only huge eye. And it is desirable to do this quickly: the Ryskar can blind and stun the enemy with a sudden flash.

Chewing gum

Assels may seem harmless, because in the event of an attack, they prefer to escape. But if the chewing gum decides to get into the battle, the enemy will experience all the power of his horns with the rotor blades. The chewing gum rummage through these blades in the ground, obtaining useful minerals, but as a weapon they are also very effective.

It is best to sneak up to the chewing gum unnoticed, using moments when it buries with horns in the ground. And when hunting from a distance, it is worth using fixing ropes. The most “useful” part of the gum is a container with a fire in the tail. If you get into them of a spontaneous arrow, the container will explode. And using high -precision onions, the containers can be shot and used to create ammunition.


Where the scenters roam, you can always find corpses of the Ryskars or larger cars. Sades collect useful spare parts from them, leaving only a few metal fragments.

Padalmers are equipped with a radar, with the help of which they are looking for a victim. But he also helps scan the surroundings for the subject of the Ela in the bushes. However, when the scavenger buries in the insides of the defeated car, he temporarily loses its connection with reality, and in these seconds you can have time to get to it imperceptibly. And you can also shoot his radar, he is right on the scruff. True, after this he will definitely notice the heroine.

Instead of the tail of the scenter, the fuel element. It can be blown up by releasing an electric boom.


Pilosub will be the first serious adversary Ela. However, his seriousness will significantly decrease very soon, when the girl grows up a little, applies and will be better off. Although it is not a simple enemy cannot be called, if only because this machine is hellishly fast.

And https://sister-site.org/big-wins/ it’s also difficult to cope with her, because the most vulnerable place, a container with a fireman, is at a pilot on the chest, between the front paws. To arrange an enemy’s local explosion with the help of a fiery arrow, you have to stand right in front of him, which is quite risky.

However, ropes, freezers and traps are perfect for this case.


Local residents call them “demons”, and this has a share of truth: the invaders do not have a “peaceful” profession, they are real warriors. They are extremely fast and very dangerous in close combat. But you can’t feel safe even at a distance: the invaders throw darts and throw grenades.

No less unpleasant property – the ability to influence other machines. Cracing the management, invaders can turn harmless runners and chewers into furious combat units.

Fortunately, the invaders and weaknesses have. You can break through the armor, especially if you use special arrows. And due to the fact that this machine spent for a long time underground, its heat core became vulnerable to high temperatures. So take the fire arrows, Ela, and aiming beast in the scruff!


No matter how dangerous the invader is, in battle, a huge firewall can deliver no less, or even more problems. For a simple reason called "flamethrower". Burdyuk literally floods the area in front of him with fire, and if Ela hesitates at this time, he will burn like a match.

It sounds paradoxically, but the machine filled with liquid fire is vulnerable to fire. True, for this you need to get into a container with a fireman located … let's say, under the tail. But in the body it is worth aiming freezing bombs.

Когда Элой забредет достаточно далеко, на смену огненным бурдюкам придут морозильные. They are even more unpleasant because they can freeze the Ela to the place. They must be treated in the same way as with fiery, only fire and cold in their case change places.


Buwls play the role of buffaloes here: they graze peacefully on the grass under the supervision of the shepherds-people and at the slightest danger rush. But they may change their mind. And then the enemy will feel all the power of huge horns on himself.

From the dunglobes, as well as from the runners, you can shoot a container with a fireman, it is even located in the same place, on the croup. And in the same way they can be “tamed” and saddle. True, because of their own dummy, sled bulls of them come out of extreme short-lived.


Copierrogs are very similar to chewing gum, and they behave about the same. But instead of horns with rotating blades, the head of the copier is crowned with a couple of large drills. They will drill the earth, in the process becoming easy prey for an unlimited element that has gone.

Instead of a tail of a copier – containers with freezers. They are not resistant to cold and can provoke a good explosion if you get into them. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the game, Ela is unlikely to quickly appear “cold” arrows. But their absence can be compensated by freezer bombs.

Long -term

The existing analogue of this bird is not so easy to choose. Most likely, in her image, ostriches, flamingos, pelicans and banal roosters were connected in her image. Despite the caricature appearance, in battle this is a very harmful enemy. If only because he rarely fights alone: ​​“feathers” on the head of the long -legged is the alarm antennas. If they do not shoot them right away, all the surrounding cars will run to the call of the long -term.

But the "bird" has enough own surprises. She jumps quickly, launches sharply sharpened wings and damps the enemy with a sound wave. To reduce damage, it is necessary to aim at her belly, it is there that there is a container with compressed air for sound attacks. And it would also be nice to shoot her wings, knock down the fuel element from her tail, and do not forget about the antennas!


A robot ram with twisted horns is able to serve as a riding horse as founds and dunglines as true. But in their lives, ribbers fight much more furious. They are able to attack the enemy with the whole herd, proving that their horns are not only for beauty.

It is worth hunting for them, if you really need a fireman – its ribbon is worn on the croup. But in other cases, it is better to “agree”, intercept management, or bypass the side.


Once, probably, Scarab was conceived as a powerful and patient transport unit. A huge container on his back, however, has not been filled with valuable loads for a long time. But by the old memory, Scarab fights for his good so fiercely that he seriously claims to the title of the most dangerous opponent of all in this material.

The main complexity of the fight with him is that the scarab is covered with an energy shield. It is useless to fade on it, but getting around is not so easy. In the meantime, his systems and, most importantly, the electric generator under the belly is reliably protected, the scarab is shot by electric shells.

To simplify the battle, you can try immediately until he came to his senses, shoot his left clash. Without shield Scarab – easy booty.


These metal alligators are dangerous at least their current "relatives". What is there, much more dangerous! They are equally fast, dexterous and deadly both in water and on land. Powerful paws discard the enemy, powerful jaws work like a heavy hammer, and freezers fly out of the mouth.

If you manage to shoot a bag with a cooler under the throat at the “beast”, you can half reduce its harmfulness. Then there will be a very simple thing: to get fiery arrows in its scruff, where the container with firefighting is trimmed.

Infected cars

Not a separate type of machine, but almost all of their varieties are subject to damage. Infected cars reserve poisoned puddles, which seriously complicates the battle with them. And they themselves are stronger and more aggressive than “healthy” brothers.

When Ela goes to clean the infected area, it is worth checking whether she has abusive arrow, fiery traps and fiery stretch marks for nemet.

So here he is, local bestiary. Successful hunting! The season has opened ..

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